PRISM Brain Mapping provides the insight for people to make better choices about what is going on in the present moment. It also helps to reframe what is going on and to refocus their attention to better outcomes. PRISM interfaces well with mindfulness. We know that mindful awareness changes the brain.
Complexity Simplified
Brains are unique.
People are complicated. Assessing their behavior doesn’t have to be.
PRISM Brain Mapping, the most advanced behavior analysis tool in the world, is the foundation for elateus’ solutions. PRISM uses neuroscience to enable individuals to understand their unique behavior preferences. The complexity of the human brain is distilled into meaningful insights that are easily understood and applied to your current situations and development.
The objective data generated can be combined across teams and organizations to unlock knowledge about the culture, behaviors and opportunities for progress.

The power of PRISM lies in its lack of ambiguity, providing rich behavioral insight that is customized, meaningful, and actionable.
This makes your employees feel valued, respected, and empowered.
Behavior vs. Personality
Every employee in your organization has their own behavior preferences that adapt to their environment and drive their actions. Our personalities are fixed, but we develop our behaviors in response to both unconscious and conscious influences.
No Labels
Unlike personality assessments, PRISM Brain Mapping acknowledges that every individual has a range of different behavior preferences unique to them. PRISM highlights those behavior preferences with great clarity: including natural preferences, high preferences, and avoidance preferences.
PRISM also reveals how people modify or adapt their behavior preferences to the demands of specific situations, such as their job responsibilities or their company’s cultural expectations.
Scientifically Validated
PRISM incorporates the latest neuroscience discoveries and is based on over 300 separate studies backed by extensive scientific validation.
The initial validation study was conducted in 2007; since then, PRISM has been refreshed as the science continues to advance.
In 2014, Dr. Tendayi Viki, Stanford University research fellow, conducted a second validation study. The questionnaire’s methodology, scales, and cultural interpretation formed the basis for this study, which showed them to be highly accurate.
It’s important to me we bring cutting-edge approaches to Campbell’s and because elateus’ programs are based on neuroscience, it ensured trust in the process and allowed learning to occur in an inclusive environment without bias.